
Any of you guys have suggestions or is there something you’d like to see from me in the future? I’ve been looking to write new stuff and I know I still gotta get to the second part of my Septic egos fic but I’d like to branch out and try writing other things like that Cult! Joseph x reader I said I’d try eventually or even possibly a BNHA x reader. If I did that I’d be doing Izuku, Bakugo, and Todoroki with Dabi as a bonus! But idk yet, we’ll have to see! 


Any of you guys have suggestions or is there something you’d like to see from me in the future? I’ve been looking to write new stuff and I know I still gotta get to the second part of my Septic egos fic but I’d like to branch out and try writing other things like that Cult! Joseph x reader I said I’d try eventually or even possibly a BNHA x reader. If I did that I’d be doing Izuku, Bakugo, and Todoroki with Dabi as a bonus! But idk yet, we’ll have to see! 


Aye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiisxnjdjxskxisndjjdhd *Mental breakdown*


@Creative_User_Name what's your favorite video from them?


@Creative_User_Name yes it is. A wonderful coincidence indeed! :D


As we all know spring break is upon us and I know that most of us might be leaving for vacation. I am one of those people so I thought I should go ahead and make a post about this now. My family leaves next Sunday and we will be gone for the whole week. I will try to be active as much as I can but I can make no promises since it's a vacation I'll probably be gone most of the time.


Hello all you wonderful people! I have come to let you know that I am going to start writing yet another story. I know I already have 2 but seeing as I have done more of that and can only write them through using my phone because of the specific keyboard I have on there I will update this more often. Anyways this new creation will be a Vocaloid Fanfic based on the song Tokyo Zombie Land sung by Rin and Len Kagamine. After listening to the song countless times I feel pretty confident in the storyline I have set.  Keep in mind that this is only what I think would go along with the song others may have their own versions. I am so excited to start writing this, It will give me a chance to expand and try putting myself in other characters mindsets.  I think that is all....tomorrow I hope is when I can start.


Hey guys. For those of you who know Markiplier, you may want to check out his latest video if you haven't seen it. This is a serious matter. If you have seen it...then you know what this is about. The government has laid out plans to repeal the Net Neutrality laws......our freedoms to go where we want and do what we want on the internet. They are trying to make it a more....profitable place. I for one won't let this happen, join me along with many others in the fight to save Net Neutrality. Unfortuanetly i don't have the links but you will find them in the description of Mark's upload. Please don't let this happen.