
@OneDStoleMyHeart  YAY YAY YAY!!! Thank you so much, I'm reading it now! Oops, sorry... I'm so used to calling my friends like that- didn't mean to freak ya out :) 


@addicted2oxygen "I wanna take him home, and unf, double-up, unf, UNF!"
          He's just so... I have nasty thoughts about him. REALLY nasty.
          Includes BDSM Larry. 
          See? UNF.
          But yeah, ignoring that (because who wrote? I didn't! It wasn't me... It wasn't me! *starts dancing like Shaggy*), thank you! Your life?!
          Oh god wow, that means the world to me!
          I'm trying to write, I'm just stuck on a part and I'm not sure if it's good enough... :(
          Oh, and I'm also writing a punk!Louis and innocent!Harry one-shot, it should be up soon too! ;) xx