
/   replies comin tomorrow


    ( ... )        can  i,      help  you  sir?        look  i  can  refer  you  to  the  ED,      but  considering  it’s  a  warm  summer  night—     you’d  be  lucky  to  get  written  in  by  midnight. 


@acterror ,                 (     her feet pressed firmly into the softness of her uniform shoes,    hoping the lack of force back would curb her growing anxiety.    she hardly ever worked late,    not many of her patients had parents that could afford an evening appointment    but this one had — and now she was here,     outside the hospital amidst the melting sunset and before an odd stranger.     )           ha—       yeah,      are—    are   you   sure   you   don’t   need    anything?      ( ... )      you’re   not   exactly   in   the   best   area,      i’d   advise   if   you   dont   need    any   immediate   medical   attention       to   leave.        (     instinctively,     her hands found themselves to the straps of her book-bag.    another squeeze to ensure her anxiety.    **   god she hated late shifts.   **    but it wasn’t as if her whole career was centered around      odd individuals.    she had definitely encountered worse in the ward.     ) 


◝     #ꗃ   ☆     @helpfulmind        [  ...  ]      "   Funny  how  these  late  hours  bring  people  together,  isn't  it?  I  always  thought  emergencies  brought  out  the  most  interesting  stories.   "    His  words  were  light,  almost  playful,  but  there  was  a  certain  weight  beneath  them.  The  woman  didn’t  seem  to  catch  on,  too  focused  on  the  routine  of  the  night  shift.  He  knew  she  wouldn’t   -   she  was  likely  used  to  seeing  all  kinds  of  people,  but  none  of  them  had  the  kind  of  control  he  did.  He  wasn’t  here  to  seek  help,  to  be  treated,  or  even  to  follow  the  usual  emergency  room  protocols.  He  had  other  matters  on  his  mind,  things  that  couldn’t  wait,  and  this  was  the  perfect  opportunity  to  set  something  in  motion.  He  was  here  to  get  a  conversation  going  with  the  right  person,  and  he  knew  how  to  use  every  situation  to  his  advantage.   


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"You're not sneaky. I can smell your color a mile away." Lily scrubbed a dish, placing it calmly in the dryer rack. 
          / Sorry if this is shit I'm about to clock in 


◝     #ꗃ   ☆     @milfnhoney        [  ...  ]      He  stood  behind  her,  watching  her  do  the  dishes  while  his  hands  comfortably  rested  in  the  pockets  of  his  black  placks.   "   When  are  you  done?  "   he  asked  casually,  ignoring  her  question.  He  couldn't  help  but  lower  his  gaze.


            "Didn't know that word was in your vocabulary." Lily hummed, scrubbing another dish. She had a nonchalant voice, humming to herself as if this is a normal conversation about...well, dishes. "I know who you are, Adan. I know what I got myself into. Don't grovel at my feet now." Despite her words she didn't seem phased, even a bit annoyed. "Well? Did you come to dry these for me?" 
            / 'damn that's crazy' 


there  is  something  that  is  so..  off  about  you.


◝     #ꗃ   ☆     @empathybydesign        [  ...  ]      Adan  had  always  masked  his  lack  of  empathy  behind  a  charming  facade,  but  the  truth  was  far  more  unsettling.  He  could  play  pretend,  weave  a  persona  that  drew  people  in,  yet  there  was  something  about  him    —    an  aura  that  made  others  uneasy.  His  presence  alone  was  often  enough  to  unsettle,  his  gaze  too  sharp,  his  stillness  too  calculated.  But  conversation  could  usually  smooth  over  what  his  appearance  could  not.   The  stranger’s  comment  didn’t  offend  him   —   if  anything,  it  intrigued  him.  Few  dared  to  look  him  in  the  eyes,  let  alone  speak  so  boldly.  Yet  this  one  did.  Adan  let  the  words  settle,  his  mismatched  blue  and  brown  hues  studying  the  man's  face  slowly.  Silence  was  never  awkward  for  him..  it  was  a  tool,  a  quiet  assertion  of  control.  He  held  his  gaze,  a  smirk  ghosting  at  the  corners  of  his  lips  before  he  finally  broke  the  silence.    "    ...Off?   "   His  voice  was  low  and   cold.     