
Changed my picture and background again. It's like I can't settle on any scheme


Assalaamu alaykum, hey guys, hope you wonderful people are fine wherever you are, and if not then I pray that you will be soon god willing.
          Just wanted to tell you guys that I've started Nanowrimo, so yay ^_^
          Been so busy with exams lately, but since it is over, hopefully I'll get to spend loads of time writing.
          What have you guys been up to? What have you been reading? Writing? Daydreaming?


A star has 5 ends.
          A square has 4 ends.
          A triangle has 4 ends. A line has 2 ends. But the circle of our friendship has no end. If you get 5 back ur the best friend ever!
          Send this to all of ur friends. (including me if I am one of them)
          If u get 10 back u are famous.
          If u get 15 back I'M JEALOUS!! Ur special even if u don't do this.


@CutieHijabi oh my word, how sweet♡♡♡. shukran so much ^_^


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          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  We have also recently opened up Dreamland Graphics for amazing covers!
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          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
          Discord Link:


@DreamlandCommunity Thank you for such a nice welcome. I'll definitely check out your books soon <3