
@BlaBlaBaby I explained it in my new fanfiction description(:


:( im upset now, i really loved 99


Okay hi guys(((:
          So I know quite a few of you are a bit confused as to why Harry and Anon are taking their relationship so fast... The idea for this, is that both characters are lonely. They feel some sort of comfort in having each other. They both have something abnormal about them (Anon has Anorexia Nervosa and will eventually develop Bulimia Nervosa, where as Harry has stage two Pancreatic Cancer), and since everyone else finds them abnormal compared to normal 'standards', they find each other. 
          Also, a few people have been wondering about Anon knowing about Harry prior to the time they first met. Like I have explained, Harry dressed like regular 19 year old boy up until he wanted to help out Anon. Anon had always known about Harry because he was known as 'the boy with cancer', but she had never payed attention to his appearance before. 
          I hope that cleared a little bit up, but like I said, if you have any more questions just ask me(: