
Like a Marvel Zombie, I'm baaaacccckkkkkk...

I know my hiatus has been too long- my apologies. But I am happy to say that I just posted a NEW CHAPTER of Untangling a Future for the first time in 7ish months! While I'm hoping to start posting more regularly again, I'm not making any promises this time about cadence of posts- they will come as they come and when I have time. Hopefully that's cool with y'all.

In the meantime, please tell me how you all have been doing! Everyone's turn to post an update. I'll go first- I bought a house, got a puppy, and had my job change completely all over again. Your turns!

Hugs and love - A


Hi all!!!

Hope everyone is taking care of themselves and hopefully enjoying the recent Marvel drops (Hawkeye! Spider-man: NWH! Dr Strange 2 trailer!).

Just posted a new chapter of Wild Minds ~ Foolish Hearts. I have time off in the next week from work so I'm determined to bust out a few chapters of it and (I know you all are waiting patiently-ish for it) Untangling a Future!!!

Sending love, hugs, and high fives! And happy holidays to those who celebrate this time of year!


Big week of writing! Just posted a new chapter of Wild Minds ~ Foolish Hearts.  Also, in case you missed it, check out the most recent chapter of Untangling a Future (posted only a few days ago)!

Love, hugs, and high fives!!!

(And a happy early Thanksgiving to my US friends!)


Just over a year after starting to write it, I've finally made it to big milestone- Untangling a Memory has 100k reads!

I still can't believe how much people have connected to the book and the whole Untangling series (not to mention my other books). It's been a labor of love. But these characters still have so much to give; their stories aren't over. And with that in mind, to celebrate this achievement, I finally posted another chapter to Untangling a Future. Writing it didn't come easily, so I hope you will feel that I did it justice.

Thank you all for sticking with me! It has been a very up and down year, but I can't wait to keep sharing these stories with you.

Sending all of you love, hugs, and so many high fives! We did it!!!

P.S.- You may or may not remember what hitting 100k means... An Easter Egg breakdown for UaM! Stay tuned...


Hi my beautiful variants!

I just posted another chapter of Wild Minds ~ Foolish Hearts. I am working on another one of Untangling a Future, but it's coming along a little more slowly.

While I have you though... I wanted to note a milestone I hit this week and one I'm about to hit- This week, I made it to 200 followers! Thank you so much, I still can't believe that people enjoy my books as much as they do. And in particular my Untangling series, for which the first book is about to hit 100k reads!!!! It has been just over a year since I started writing and this has been an incredible adventure thus far.

I know things have slowed down a bunch and I'm not getting to post as much as normal, but I'm so glad you all are sticking with me. You all are truly the best and I couldn't ask for a better community.

Sending y'all love, hugs, and high-fives!


Just posted a new chapter of Wild Minds ~ Foolish Hearts. It’s a crazy one! Check it out!!!


    Hey all! Finally, A NEW CHAPTER OF UNTANGLING A FUTURE IS POSTED!!! Thanks to everyone for your continued patience.
    I don't think I had any understanding of what grief felt like until my dad passed away. It's been nearly two months and it never stops being heavy. I miss calling him more than I can say.
    So homework for all of you: give someone (family, friends, or just someone who makes you feel good) a call. Not just a text. A real, live call. Tell them about the achievements about your day, listen to theirs, and most importantly. Share a joke. I promise you'll never regret it.
    Sending y'all love, hugs, and high-fives!


    Please don't make me suffer much!!! I'M having a complete break down with untangling a future. Its gonna end well right? Cause if it doesn't I'll murder you


      Please the last chapter of untangling a future didn't even had winterwidow! I love it and I'm having a heartbreak right now


        New chapter of Wild Minds ~ Foolish Hearts posted. Please check it out ❤️
        For Untangling a Future, I know I owe y'all a chapter. As you can imagine, with where we are in the story, these next ones aren't easy to write and I'm trying to give them the time they deserve. Most days are still pretty hard (grief is a b*tch!), but it's definitely on my list. In case I haven't already mentioned it, both of these stories float around my head constantly, leaving me to write down details for later in the plot, add songs to my playlists for future songs, and workout where I want things to go and what language to use. If there was any question about my commitment to these stories, you should know that even my therapist gets to hear about them (yes, she knows all the spoilers and no, you will never crack her ;) ).
        On a totally unrelated note, I watched The Incredible Hulk tonight. It is so hard to watch how bad it is and they really let Ross off the hook a lot since then. But thank goodness for Marvel recasting with Ruffalo. Hard to rank a recast in the MCU, but it's a great one for sure!
        From me- make sure to treat yourself like a houseplant... lots of water, sunlight, and patience. Every one of your green little leaves deserve it. Love and hugs!