
Hey guys! So I noticed that my published timeline doesn't fit the actual timeline, that's why I haven't posted the last 2 weeks bc I've been thinking and trying to rearrange some things in the book. Nothing is going to change between the characters just the dates and times. Promise it'll be worth it! 


Hi! Is the story done? Or still ongoing? 


@Lachimolola7 It's still going! I will definitely announce when it's in it's final chapters! 


DUDE- I’m so
          Shook at how your book hasn’t getting enough attention  it’s literally so good! 


@reid_xox Aw thank you so much lol I really appreciate it. Honestly no matter how many people read my book, I'm just happy people are reading it 


Hey guys! So I noticed that my published timeline doesn't fit the actual timeline, that's why I haven't posted the last 2 weeks bc I've been thinking and trying to rearrange some things in the book. Nothing is going to change between the characters just the dates and times. Promise it'll be worth it!