
All I want is a decent, OC-centric, Vampire Diaries story where A) the male characters don’t go into monologues about how beautiful/unique/gorgeous/interesting the OC is, B) the make characters don’t suddenly start crushing on said OC just because they happened to breathe the same air as them, C) Elena isn’t painfully painted as the jealous  and hateful villain (She’s prone to jealousy and whining. We get it. So are plenty of other humans. It’s called insecurities. If you don’t have any, good for you. If you do, don’t say you’ve never acted out in ways you’ve regretted.), D) ...should I just make a whole new story about what I hate most in TVD OC stories? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE them. It makes my dumb, vampire-lusting heart happy (despite the very clear insanity that is falling in love with a predator). I just can’t stand seeing so many cliché tropes being wedged into the story for no realistic reason.


Ah, thanks for the follow! It’s greatly appreciated! 


@AmuletSugar1 That’s because I am everywhere! Sakura-centric books are the only Naruto fanfics I read! 
            Ah, it was like that because the other person was civil. I could only treat him the same. 


No problem! I feel like I’ve seen you around comment sections on other Sakura-centric fics, and I really did enjoy the way you approached the argument with that other person. It only made sense to give you the follow lol


All I want is a decent, OC-centric, Vampire Diaries story where A) the male characters don’t go into monologues about how beautiful/unique/gorgeous/interesting the OC is, B) the make characters don’t suddenly start crushing on said OC just because they happened to breathe the same air as them, C) Elena isn’t painfully painted as the jealous  and hateful villain (She’s prone to jealousy and whining. We get it. So are plenty of other humans. It’s called insecurities. If you don’t have any, good for you. If you do, don’t say you’ve never acted out in ways you’ve regretted.), D) ...should I just make a whole new story about what I hate most in TVD OC stories? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE them. It makes my dumb, vampire-lusting heart happy (despite the very clear insanity that is falling in love with a predator). I just can’t stand seeing so many cliché tropes being wedged into the story for no realistic reason.