1/2 of the Fantabulous Donkalope Squad™

As you can probably tell from my name, I have wayyy too many ships. Like I never stop shipping. Ever. It's a problem.

Anyway, about me:
-I have an unhealthy obsession with YouTube.
-I spend my life listening to music.
-Food is my best friend.
-I can't write, but I do it anyway.
-I also can't sing, but I do it anyway.
-I draw. A lot.
-I swear. A lot.
-Black is the best color.
-Memes are one of the best things to happen to this rock floating through space.
-I do a lot of things ironically and it probably just seems cringey.
-I'm learning Chinese.
-I play the piano.
-I read too much for my own good (Harry Potter is the best series ever js).
-I'm a Ravenclaw.
-I rant about everything.
-I'm really boring but I'm writing this anyway.
-I need more friends, I only have like 2 because I'm just a simple pile of obsession.

It's trash CAN not trash CANNOT

Fall Out Boy should start handing me lemons, because they're life.

I believe in you, you can do the thing!!
  • Probably crying over YouTube
  • JoinedJuly 3, 2016
