
feminine and masculine urge to make a random art dump book.


Me when he's the best partner ever!!!


@Bbonnie- You're literally the best partner ever.


this message may be offensive
@a-certain-author He did what now. Does he not understand that you are not interested and uncomfortable with him?? And the way you told him you were lesbian and he still decided to fuck with you and say 'Icky' just makes me wanna yell at him. I dont care if he knows the stupid shit i did and would expose me to people on the internet because the way your speaking to me is that your telling me he had brung you discomfort. I swear when i get ungrounded im beating his fucking ass up.


two people have said they hated me this week.


@a-certain-author Well, If they say that then their just one step closer to getting karma. Just reminder that me and everyone else are here for you just incase you need me or your other friends who are truly loyal to you. You're special and beautiful and you don't deserve those puny fucks.


Me starting to text my ex gfs wattpad to see if she'll answer, I'm pretty sure she lost the account but if she didn't, and starts checking her wattpad acc, then I'll be able to try and go out with her again!
          (PS. Hei Hei, This isn't the bad one, this is the one who moved away, she was the best!!!)