
Assalammualaikum dan hai kepada yang baca mesej Mel ni dekat account HSQ. Minta maaf Mel tak boleh hantar ucapan terima kasih kepada semua secara personal. Mel takut Mel salah orang sbb kebanyakannya dah tukar username. Sumpah Mel ada lupa nama korang, tapi kalaulah korang baca ni, tolong reply nama so Mel boleh refresh memory.
          Kepada korang semua,
          macam yg ada dekat profile Mel,
          you're my good girls and my good boys,
          and you have a good heart,
          trust me,
          one day you'll get what you deserve ♡
          Mel nak ucapkan terima kasih sebab join squad ni dulu dan layan Mel. Minta maaf kalau korang rasa HSQ adalah benda yg lagha dan sia-sia. Tapi Mel sangat hargai kewujudan korang. Mel tak akan ingat nama korang, Mel tak mungkin akan ingat rupa korang sampai bila-bila, but I will always remember you as one of those people who were with me when I sas nobody ♡
          And with that,
          doa Mel mengiringi korang semua,
          no matter who you are,
          no matter where you are
          and what you are doing,
          Mel doakan korang akan berjaya dan gembira biarpun hidup ni tak seindah mana.
          Stay strong,
          dan tolong sayangi diri sendiri. 
          Buat apa yg korang suka,
          ikut kata naluri yang paling dalam.
          I want to repeat that ur existence means something special to me. You're not being wasted. There is still a person who wanted to see you, embrace your weaknesses and your scars here. Only if I can meet you for real, I hope you're wearing you biggest yet sweetest smile yet.
          Promise me you'll love yourself.
          18th June 2020,




Mel.. add snow balik plz..o(〒﹏〒)o


@snowchocotae Hoho dah add sebenarnya xD #Mel


@snowchocotae lorh x perasan lak


@snowchocotae dekat grup whatsaop eak? Tapi mel dah add kelmarin 