
this message may be offensive
You guys I need help with my wilford x dark story because I have ran out of ideas because I'm not a creative ass bitch so someone please help!!!


@mac_septic_eye lmao thanks, but I think Jack takes that tittle


@EllebannaNStuff be the bossiest boss that has ever bossed XD


          so i saw that you like markiplier and poetry and stuff like that! 
          i have a poetry book AND a markiplier (more darkiplier) fanfic and it would mean the world if you could read them and give me some feedback!!
          love ya lots!!! thanks!!
          -cinnamon rolllllll


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*drops a load of sins* ;-; Satan didn't want them he said they needed a good home, I figured this would be the best place. *runs, trips and eats shit, gets back up and runs throwing arms around*


@XxStay-In-DrugsxX XD I love this so much THANK YOU XD


this message may be offensive
You guys I need help with my wilford x dark story because I have ran out of ideas because I'm not a creative ass bitch so someone please help!!!


@mac_septic_eye lmao thanks, but I think Jack takes that tittle


@EllebannaNStuff be the bossiest boss that has ever bossed XD