
oof i'm pretty sure i finished outlining the new draft of Letum, now hopefully i can write it without much trouble!


Thank you for the follow :D


@AWFrasier ah, but I'll have to agree with that bias lol


@_symphonic_ the best genre of them all, said the very biased author hahhah


I might just go and mass-upload poems to The Next Epoch regardless of whether they're quality or not, I just kind of want a place to organize this year's poems into one place? There's a couple pieces I want to work on but other than that, I'll just... upload ig.
          I'll put dates, or approximate ones if I didn't write the date.


I told myself I wasn't going to participate in NaNo but then I ended up doing just that and so far I've written every day this month which is something that's never happened before; I had a brief falling-behind but as of today I should be totally caught up.
          I might take a couple weeks in December just to finish rewriting (this year's goal was only 25k so there's about seven or so more scenes I'll have to write), and I plan draft some short stories during winter break - I plan to start revisions in January but that's all depending on how busy I am with finals. This is the first year they really count for much so I'm playing by ear until February lol


not to mention I have some research to do on battle plans for a couple scenes, I didn't have time to do that this month but those few will definitely be a priority come december


Suppose I should try and get back to working on Letum though 
          Probably won't be doing nano this year but I'm going to try and write every day in november? Even if it's just a bit it'll be better than none at all. 
          Like I said in my last post I'm struggling a bit and I'm really blocked 
          Tbh Letum is a mess I have no idea what I'm doing