
Heyy all, 
          	Can anyone suggest me manan fantasy and mafia stories? But it should have a good ending though.


Hey peeps, for all of you out there.. Thank you so much for showering your love for HUMESHA YOURS.. so, there's a double update today for all of you !!! Read, enjoy and comment your feedbacks :) thanks!! 
          I just published "CHAPTER 11" of my story "HUMESHA YOURS". https://www.wattpad.com/1352870889?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=_starfliezz_&wp_originator=pUm5WRXlAO9G6XpilsyQdFzohZsqUc%2BQV%2FiggYXUnzE9fYirjvx2dkLuR0slWUHs0KGMHgpntEotTKH%2FoYslocF0WVj4VU%2BzbMY6e8oHJnXRlvGqiItQJj%2BrUZNKqOAK


          To all of them who supported FINDING YOU, thank you so much ❤️. I really appreciate that. Unfortunately for some reasons i had to delete the story. But fear not, I'll be back with it soon. 
          Till then, stay tuned  
          And don't forget to read 'HUMESHA YOURS' 
          Vote and comment for it!
          LOVE YOU ALL


Heyyy readers
          I'm back to writing stories and thanks to all of you who have shown your support... Love you loads 
          Wanna read something new?? A New Story is cooking .. and will be delivered soon 
          Be ready to witness a new love story of our very own MANAN 
          Stay tuned for more updates on the new story 
