
          	so I am loging out of this account if you want pm me and I'll either give you my snapchat or my new account 


And with that my class (of 4. I know small class. it's all girls too. scary) but anyways we were the first class in 40+ years to all get the president award for educational excellence in either gold or silver. I GOT GOLD. which means you have to get a 95 or higher on report cards from 3rd grade up


So like I was confirmed ( which is a huge event that happens in the chruch. in my church it happens when you graduate 8th grade) and I graduated last Sunday :)


@_sad_bitch_party NoICE dude!! Congrats


that's why it's so special to me, cause my friends that are at school only know me by Liv/Livi. where when someone calls me olivia it's a change and it's more personal then my nicknames could ever be...


@Jyothsna2k8 finally someone who gets it!!


@_sad_bitch_party true dat!!! i get it hun!!!


this is weird but I love when people call me Olivia, cause I've always been called a shorter version of it because there's two Olivia's in my class so I always had the nickname. and it is so nice when you have friends who call you Olivia AS YOUR NAME. 


@_sad_bitch_party  its not weird sweetie, its a natural thing!!! but i agree with every word u say!!


why am I not good enough? why am I the one always being played? what is so wrong with me that no one ever actually likes me? why if someone likes me is it toxic or fake? why show interest when its fake? why play with me? I've accepted that I will never be enough but it would be nice to have someone at least show semi interest for longer than 2 weeks. sorry most don't even go two weeks. WHY AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH? why will no one put up with me. no one puts up with me for long. I get annoying, tiring, and just purely annoying. I exhaust everyone. why does everyone leave. I either semi open up of fully open up and yet they always leave. I am getting so tired of everyone leaving. I wish just one person would stay one person would care enough to put up with me, to just plainly stay. stay with me in the dark. stay and hold me as I cry. stay and let me talk. stay and talk back. but no. I lose everyone. what is so wrong with me that everyone feels that they have to leave for.


@Jyothsna2k8 my heart can't take this ❤❤❤


@_sad_bitch_party no problem hun, i meant every.single.word i said