
Every wonder if you're not good enough? I feel that way, and nobody ever should. If anybody tries to put you down, tell them that God made you equal and just because they may have more money or confidence or feel the need to put others down to feel big that they aren't even worth the dirt they walk on. Nobody should feel like they're trapped in a corner with nowhere to go


Every wonder if you're not good enough? I feel that way, and nobody ever should. If anybody tries to put you down, tell them that God made you equal and just because they may have more money or confidence or feel the need to put others down to feel big that they aren't even worth the dirt they walk on. Nobody should feel like they're trapped in a corner with nowhere to go


Hey guys! I'm not sure if anybody actually reads these, but I was just wondering if I should post the first chapter of this book I'm writing. It's called Just One of the Guys. Inbox me your answer. The official date will be released soon! XOXO