
i’ve started publishing another story i’ve worked on for 2 years - genuinely my fav book so far


I have read I do more than a million times definitely my most favourite Fred Weasley fic and I have read a lot


@Jhaye144  don't want to but into the convo but why are so many people dying????


why do you feel guilty?


I feel so guilty 


Those of you who have read my Fred Weasley x Reader question why the main character gets ignored throughout the story- here is my thought process on that decision.
          Y/n is ignored and overshadowed by Harry, testing those around her on how they act. Those who see her as her own individual person are her real friends.
          She is supposed to be ignored so she can build and develop relationships with the people that see her as Y/n and not Harry's sister. This helps her find her true family and true friends.
          Hope this makes sense to you all. :>


@Abbehhhhhhh Wait gawd I already have it there but haven't read it


this message may be offensive
“I do” by _pxntherx_ was a fabulous 96 chapter read! This book had incredible long chapters and is an “x reader” book. This book is perfect for people who are uncomfortable with smut. And for all lovers of Fred Weasley. I rate this book a 8/10. Though I found this book incredibly entertaining, There were things left out of the storyline that could’ve been fixed with a little bit of editing. My least favorite thing is that the main character was ignored throughout the whole book. My favorite thing that the book had to offer was that the main character had a storyline of her own versus following the main character storyline main character being Harry Potter. I 100% recommend this book to everyone I definitely think that there’s things that could be edited but as the book stands it is a very incredible piece and I think I would read this book again for sure. Everyone treats Harry in this book like he’s on a pedestal and treats her kind of like shit so kind of just keep that in mind. But still please give this book a read. and of course if you do read this story make sure to like every chapter and give the author a follow. You won’t regret it 


Heyy I saw on your profile that you take requests. I'm currently reading your Fred x reader i do, and im really enjoying it. i was wondering if you could maybe do a Tom Riddle X reader... where the reader is a vampire or something like that thanks!!!


@Aestheticspeaches20 you're welcome, thanks and not a problem 


@_pxntherx_ Could you make her Female, please...if its not a problem 


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          btw that says sus