
heyy, soo…im trying to write chapters as soon as possible but life’s a mess rn so i apologize :( but i swear next week i’ll find time to post smtg! ty and take care ❤️ 


Omg your stories are pure gold, your wirtting is amazing and I'm not even kidding, gosh i feel like your the brightest diamond out there that not many ppl know about, PLASE I SWEAR WIRTTING IS YOUR TALENT


take care ❤️


omg…you have no idea how many times I came back to this comment yesterday to read the beautiful words you wrote to me :((( I’m not used to receiving compliments like this so thank you very much for that  right now I was writing a second chapter and I came back here in this message to motivate myself to write even better! I have so much fun with every comment you leave in each chapter, and thank you very much for giving my stories a chance!! AHHHHHHHHHH, I love you for this message, really! I’m going to make a point of writing better and better so I can make you proud!!! Thank youuuuu ❤️


Omg i don't know what's gotten into me, I'm sorry if I made u uncomfy omg༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ your stories are amazing RLLY, i was shocked bc you were so underrated but dw! Time can fix that ;)