


Hey -Alexis. I was wondering since u wrote a flash book, and I'm obsessed with the flash so do u wanna like write a collab together?and thx for voting for my book ❤⚡


I'm just saying that my time zone is +3 hours to GMT


Anytime u want but I'm a bit busy with school work right now so maybe on Saturday?


@xXLovelystoriesXx PM wen u wanna talk abt it


Omg are you a Ryan Higa fan? Cuz I am! I saw the TeeHee in your bio and just HAD to ask! :-)


@Roscoes_Friend  omg I looovve studio c too!! 


@-alexis stick to what you thought the next gen would be because like the play is a different thing its not part or the book series so you dont have to take it into account also the book is actually pretty shitty so like just go with what u were gonna do orignally cause tbe groundwork she set for us in the "19 years later" thing in deathly hallows is perfect and in the new one its not what i/ a lot of other fans expected/wanted - a total stranger 


@can5sosnot14 why thank you a total stranger for this pleasant advice! I'll use it for sure


Me: *Reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.*
          * Absolute silence until it strikes the dumb person I am*
          *Looks up from book and gasps out loud, creating a dramatic movie scene with no audience*
          I speak," Whatever shall I do about the Harry Potter next gen series?"
          Okay no, but seriously I'm so confused if I should stick to what I'd imagined the HP next gen to be, or go with J.K. Rowling's new next gen?  Got any suggestions?