
I am working on some stuff at the moment. But I want to see if the people who follow me are still alive. So tell me what your MBTI type is. Mine is INFJ-T!


not me talking about how i was going to actually write and then not writing anything. like i didn't even write ONE word. 
          but i do actually have a good reason. my gallbladder isn't functioning and it causes me to be in a lot of pain and feel nauseous which makes it hard to look at  a screen. i am getting surgery to have it removed on March 23rd. So hopefully after feeling better, I will be able to actually write for you beautiful people. 
          sending virtual love and hugs to everyone <3


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as a writer. have any of you ever looked back at old writing pieces (whether they are published or just drafts) from a few years ago and just go: "what.the.fuck.is.wrong.with.younger.me?" 
          because i have been reading some of my older stuff recently to see if i want to edit it and post it or use it as what not to do. but every single damn time i cringe so hard at my younger self. like why did i think some of the stuff i wrote was good. i didn't make any sense. like i be reading some of my older writing stuff and i be like "was i fucking high? like what am i even saying?"...AND I HAVE NEVER EVEN DONE DRUGS!!! THAT'S HOW BAD SOME OF MY OLDER WRITING IS LIKE I-


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happy valentines days to everyone! just wanted to remind everyone that it doesn't matter if you are someone who has a date this valentines or if you are someone who doesn't and are alone. because at the end of the day, you are still hot as fuck and deserve love. so use this holiday to not only be kind and love others, but also love yourself! sending virtual hugs and love to you all. and i hope that you all have a great day because you deserve it <3


i would like to announce that i will have more time to actually write for my stories and give you beautiful people content. i was going to actual school so it was hard to find time to write anything. but now i have switched back to online schooling and i will have a lot more time to write for the stories. keep in mind that i want to have a few chapters written and ready to  go before i start actually publishing it because i don't want to leave people waiting and waiting for updates from me that never happen. but just know that i am back and ready to write for you amazing people. thank you all so much for not leaving me and waiting. it means the world. and i will make sure to put out content for you all to enjoy and make you all proud. sending love and hugs to all of you <3


@taesgalaxys yes more of my namjen babies shall come ;)