
Hey there fellas,
          	We are here. In a whole new decade. In a whole new year. In a whole new day.
          	Hope the best for you'll
          	 Hope you'll be...
          	..... a little bit older
          	.....a little bit rounder
          	.....but still none the wiser
          	Unlike me afcoa... hmmmmmmmm
          	Happy New Year
          	By -
          	The one and only guys who intends to remain awkward, sarcastic, foul-mouthed delight you have come to know and love.




@_ivanx_ Haha you read my bio. Lol. Aren't we all enjoying each other's company here? We are far away but still seeking peace in the characters of another world. 


hey there to you too, stranger... And I'm glad you enjoying my distant company @pranjaliaditi (◠‿◕) 


I just read your comment on THE NUMBERED and your sense of humour is amazing. 


Hey there fellas,
          We are here. In a whole new decade. In a whole new year. In a whole new day.
          Hope the best for you'll
           Hope you'll be...
          ..... a little bit older
          .....a little bit rounder
          .....but still none the wiser
          Unlike me afcoa... hmmmmmmmm
          Happy New Year
          By -
          The one and only guys who intends to remain awkward, sarcastic, foul-mouthed delight you have come to know and love.


          Hey there strangers ,
          It's 31st, last day of "THE 2020"(•‿•).
          Happy New Year's Eve...
          ...to all the people whom I had misunderstandings with
          ...hope to see you'll catch fireworks as a sign of me making peace with you
          ( ˘ ³˘)♥
          ...let's say goodbye to 2020 with you
          ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
          Happy New Year's Eve again


@XxyushxX ehh...still not a bitch.(◔‿◔) But happy new year's Eve to ya...


Happy new year's eve bitch❤️