
I’ve published a new imagines book for Jenna Ortega please give it some love 


Hey everyone! 
          I’m working on my Max book and slowly getting the chapters all sorted out. Sorry it’s taken so long. I wanted y’all’s opinion on one thing tho. Some of the chapters might be quite long. So I was wondering. Would you all rather I split up each episode into like 1, 2 or 3 parts depends on how long the episode is? Or would you rather I just keep all chapters in 1 part. Please let me know 


1 episode per chapter would make sense but u do whatever is easier for u


@_ignorantlove_  1 episode in each chapter pls


Hey everyone! 
          I’m not dead I promise. 
           I’m sorry for not writing and updating for so long. I am trying to get things slowly started again currently. Thank you for all the love and support! 
          Im currently in the process of writing a Jenna Ortega imagines book for anyone interested. I Will start updating that as well as books such as my Max Mayfield book! Thank you for everything as well as waiting for so long and being patient! 
          Love ya 


Percy is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wooooo !!!!