
Oh, I'm already getting lazy. The chapter is so big. And I'm not even halfway... But I promise I'll post it before Saturday. I PROMISE.


Guys I'm back and currently working on my next chapter.
          It's almost done and just left to be typed...
          My laptop is broken so I'll be using my phone and maybe it'll take me a few days. Hope you will forgive me for this.
          I'm sorry.
          And again I love you guys.
          I am soooooo happy to see that I already had 142 views... thank you guys.  


Guys what do you think is the better one...
          A. People voting for your book randomly without even reading your book.
          B. People genuinely reading your book, and leaving a vote or maybe not a vote


@_e_x_otica_ yup❤ hey one again thank you so much❤❤❤ have a great day... 


@_e_x_otica_ exactly... That's more hurting than getting no votes


@_e_x_otica_ yup❤❤ that's the best you know, some people without read anything come to us say your story is really lovely like that but when we ask which chapter you like they stand like a 'I don't know face 