
@CathyL0v3 : xure...no problem!!!!


Hi, please take down "It's a hard knock life". I do not want my unedited fanfics floating around on wattpad or the internet without my permission. I'll be back to check, if you don't remove it. I'll report you for copyright infringement. I hope you can respect the writer's wishes of not distribute their fanfics without permissions. 


im really2 sorry about posting your work without your permission...i just have to read it offline for my own convenience because the nearest cafe here is about 2 km...so i have decided to post it here and download but i forgot to delete it...im really2 sori about it...


Please take down The Venus Fly Trap Method. I do not want my fanfics floating around Wattpad. I'll be back to check, and if you haven't taken it down by then, I'll have to report you because you're putting up my story without my permission. All my stories are currently under indefinite editing, and I don't want unedited copies floating around the internet. Thank you.