
bro i completely forgot about that book i was gonna work on


Hopefully someday you’ll get back to writing til then take care 


i’m failing literally all of my classes though, so it’ll stay an idea for the time being 


bro i completely forgot about that book i was gonna work on


Hopefully someday you’ll get back to writing til then take care 


i’m failing literally all of my classes though, so it’ll stay an idea for the time being 


hope everyone had a good thanksgiving! i’m officially starting to plan out the plot and characters for a new story! 
          i have no idea on when i’ll start publishing it, but as soon as possible, it’ll be out!


@bunnys321 thank you! i hope you did as well :))


@_ars0n_ Yo i hope you had an awesome day!:)


im back! i have an idea for a new book, HHFMB will remain on hold for the time being. i’m not sure i like how it’s been going. i might think about rewriting it. 
          i’m definitely going to plan out a new story, i have a lot of ideas for it already!


I won’t be active for the time being. I’m in bad space mentally at the moment. I’ll be back I’m sure, but I don’t know when. 
          If you would like to reach me, my discord is Ars0n#8637 feel free to message me there, and I’ll try and get back to you. 
          Thank you for your support and patience. 


@bunnys321 that means a lot! thank you so much!


@_ars0n_ I’m always here to talk if you need it:)


@_ars0n_ hi sorry I accidentally deleted my comment


If you’re in the US right now, like I am, take some time today for yourself. Put your phone away, get off of social media. There’s a lot going on right now, so take some time to relax and take care of yourself!
          Stay safe and take yourselves! ♡︎


@bunnys321 thank you! i think i’ll stop watching the news and relax! we’ll definitely be able to get through this! :)


@_ars0n_ I just hope we can get through this crazy yearXD


@_ars0n_ and also take some time off to relax and and you time:)


Chapter 8 of HHFMB posted! 
          Have a good and safe Halloween everyone!


@bunnys321  thank you! ♡︎


@_ars0n_ I also love the name Arson!


Hello everyone! I recently started disliking the name Eli for me, and I am trying out Arson now. I think it suits me better. I also changed my username, so I apologize if that causes any confusion. 
          On another note, I have a couple chapters for HHFMB written. I will be editing and publishing them in the upcoming weeks, so stay on the watch for that!


I’m so sorry for not getting the update out! I’ve been having some health issues and have been extremely busy with school. The only writing I’ve had time to do is emails to my teachers. 
          Hopefully things clear up soon, thank you all for being patient 


we’ll always be patient take your time!


No need to apologize I hope you get better!