
Sorry that I haven't been on in a billion years :( and that I discontinued I'm Yours. I have a ton of reading to catch up on and I'm too busy to write and hardly even read but I'm slowly doing it lol. Hope you guys understand! xx


Sorry that I haven't been on in a billion years :( and that I discontinued I'm Yours. I have a ton of reading to catch up on and I'm too busy to write and hardly even read but I'm slowly doing it lol. Hope you guys understand! xx


Sorry I didn't update I'm Yours over the weekend! I was busier then I thought. I went shopping for clothes and upgraded to a new phone  all day Saturday and then for Mother's Day, I was at my grandparents most of the day and they don't have wifi :-(


Finally got a spotify!!


@daddy_irwin it is so much prettier than pandora. but they r both pretty. i like spotify more. i conclude that lol


@daddy_irwin das cool imma try it.


@emmie_loves_you123 You can get on the website