
Hi, can help us to like and retweet our MSU infohunt teaser We appreciate every like and retweet from you all Thanks 
          Hye korang , if tk keberatan plish like , retweet and view !! Kindly need ur help sho much . This is for our school . We all appreacite gile spe yg dh like , retweet and view ! ❤ much love from me ! ❤❤❤


˗ˏ from ⁞ niki ˎ˗
          ━ 2021 ❤
          ☕ ⁞ Life's not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about doing, being and becoming ˎ-
          ☕ ⁞ Let's unify. Let's love. Let's respect. Let's forgive. Let's learn. Let's grow together ˎ-
          ━ dear maira ❤
          ☕ ⁞ You're one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I love you, and I dont want to lose you. Because my life has been better since the day I found you ˎ-
          ┈╰━━━━╲╱━━━━╯┈╳ I LOVE YOU AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MAIRA ❤❤❤




saya tau dah berbulan bulan saya tak bukak wattpad , tapi tkpyh la unfollow , saye perhati je sape unfollow . jgn smpai saye buat clean following . batak sngt ke dgn followers anda tu ')


@daisydaily_ itula itu , tkpelah , kite doakn dia baik² je 


@mairawr me too :( baru tak aktif dan tukar username sikit, dah unfollow 


sometimes , addmath lgi senang dari chemistry . fight me meh ')


@yumiyummy_ samela kite jgk . stress belajar cume kimia je kite stress sbb ckgu garang . klau subject elektif laen , ckgu oky je sporting . tpi kimia ckgu penolong kanan hem yg ajar , auto jdi kecut kjp 


@tealattae_ maafkan daku kerana typo. *sometimes. Hsjshwhhs account kena jadi teliti. Silap masukkan satu nilai, semua dokumen salah. Hmmm... aliran sains pun tak senang. Kawan yumi stress belajar fizik, bio dan kimia. Cikgu pun garang. 


@yumiyummy_ ye wehhhh , kawan aku pun ade cakap addmath lgi senang dari account . haihh stressnye gue


You have been chosen to be showered with love.
          So enjoy\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
          Now post this to everyone's wall,who you think deserve the world.If you get,
          1back-you're loved
          2back-you're popular
          3back-you are one of the most lovable person out there
          9back-Wow I AM SO JELOUS
          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone's heart❥