
Writer's block crossed with executive dysfunction is kicking my ass rn. I actually want to cry wtf.


could you update stromsong, golden girl, or your mcu fic? I really like those three a lot and I would like to see where this story goes to
          and I did see your announcement that you might not be posting for a while so if you can't update those stories that's okay but if you could that would be great, I just don't want you to feel like you're on a schedule for publishing or feeling pressured to write when you don't have the motivation to or just don't want to, I completely get it, so yeah that's all I wanted to say
          love, tourmaline <3


In addition to my last post about Palestine, I'm very sorry, but I will be unpublishing my Hunger Games fanfiction, and I don't see it going back up any time soon. With the current state of the world, I am simply very uncomfortable writing fanfiction about the Hunger Games, and especially about publishing it. Again, I'm really sorry <3


@__meraxes__ it's okay, I completely understand


I've been taking a brief break from writing for Wattpad for my mental health (I love writing for you guys and I love your support, but sometimes it is draining to feel like I'm on a schedule) so I want you guys to do me a quick favour. The time and focus that you would normally put into reading my work, please put into helping the people currently trapped in Palestine. I don't have a huge platform, but I will still use whatever I can to direct attention to them because they need help desperately right now. Make a tiktok, repost one, comment on one, donate to a gofundme, even if you only have five dollars to spare. Or if you're a large creator, reach out to join Operation Olive Branch. Please just take the ten minutes out of your day that you would spend reading my latest chapter to help a family escape this horror they are living in right now. Take two minutes if that's all you have to donate or spread the word any way you can. It would mean a lot to me, and the world to the people who can escape Palestine because of us. Thank you <3


this message may be offensive
Sneak peek from chapter 65 of "Falling Like" ;)
          "There was nothing in any world that held such power over him as she did, and she knew it too. 'Duty is the death of love,' Maester Aemon had once told him. But Jon would have broken any vow, any bond, any moral code for Nymeria. For her touch, her voice, he’d kill and die. At a whisper, he would lay waste to this world for her. It terrified part of him like nothing ever had, but he couldn’t bring the rest of him to care less for as long as he was hers, as long as she kept saving him from his stupid mistakes, loving him for them, kissing him like she was right now, holy fuck."


            omg, babe read the chapter it is SO not that I promise 


It sounds like she’s dying 




@__meraxes__ I don't believe in coincidences either


            Lmao yeah. I was looking at your account and kinda freaking out cause I noticed so many similarities between stuff she was writing and stuff you were writing, so I asked her about it and she just goes "oh, yeah, I set that account up for my friend :)" ... "WHAT??" "yeah. Weird coincidence." "You've destroyed my world. I don't BELIEVE in coicidences "