
You're the right person in a wrong time.


Who knew after these few years we'd coincidentally met. You look really happy with your husband, and I wish you'll be successful in delivering your baby. Congratulations to both of you. 


@__error eh taklah wak. Sekali je terjumpa then tak jumpa langsung dah.


@ __error  so author jmpa dia hari2 lh klu camtu?


@miracle_cara Yeap. Kebetulan dia stay dekat tempat saya kerja. 


I think maybe one part of breakups people underestimate is how people in love develop their own sort of language and a rich shared world of characters and motifs. And then when the relationship ends there’s a special loneliness in realizing you’ll never speak that language again.


After a certain age kan, kita just nak relationship yang tenang dan menggembirakan. Banyak hal lain yang memenatkan dan stressful: sara hidup, taxes, work, family. You don’t need high-school relationship “love-me-love-me-not” drama. You want a life partner. A home. Dermaga untuk berlabuh.


“Kukira kau rumah, nyatanya kau cuma aku sewa.”
          At first, I didn’t understand this. Till I saw a quote “sometimes home is not an address – it's an emotion, a state of mind, a feeling, a person.”
          “Nyatanya kau cuma aku sewa”; but in reality, you’re not.


Sorry author.. tumpang post kt sini... Saya mencari partner baru utk adk saya.. adk sya perempuan.. umo 24.. interest pd perempuan.. tggi.. umo 24 keatas..stay kl or selangor..  if ada yang ingin kenal.. boleh ws saya.. ini bukan scammer ye. Jgn risau..
          01114381796 nurul