
published some more poetry today, i hope you guys love it


happy happy happy day! my new book, "the saltbox house" first two chapters has been published! so excited to start this new journey and i hope you love this book as much as i do. here's to a new story and a new lesson learned.


hello! just wanted to update ya! been working hard on getting a few more chapters done for the book i will be publishing on july 5th! so so so excited, this book is one of my favorites and something i'm so proud of. my plan is to post a new chapter every wednesday! so look for those! so excited to be back on this community once again. warmest regards and talk soon:)


citymanner has had a complete and total upgrade, so hi! i'm augustblue and i'm so excited to be back. 
          hello my friends! it has been YEARS since we've last chatted, and it feels so good to be back on this familiar lil website. wattpad was an outlet for me all through junior high and high school. after 3 years of being out of school my passion for writing is still so present. tonight i was going through some old stories i had begun writing and was quickly reminded of how much fun and how supportive this community is and so i logged back in and decided this is something i wanted for myself, consistently. 
          i will be publishing some books on here once again and i am THRILLED! i have one that is in the works, it's not complete but i have quite a few chapters that i'm loving and excited to shared. i also dug up one story that is truly so unique and while i only have 2 chapters done for it, that are extremely short, i know it's one i want to work on and publish on here. 
          i'm planning on being much more active on here and providing some content that has been beyond overdue for years. 
          i hope that we can all connect once again and make new friends along the way. i will be talking to you soon.
          regards, allyson<3


Hello lovelies, once again I vanished from the face of the internet for awhile. I just wanted to give you some updates.
          1. I've been incredibly busy with school, cheer, and I've lacked motivation to write anything for the past few months in which has caused me to go inactive. School is still busy as ever and cheer is getting even busier with upcoming competitions; however, my motivation is up and running once again and I will be posting updates any spare moment I have. I can't promise that I'll be getting on everyday, but I will be a lot more active than I have been in the past. I just wanted to let ya all know what has been happening.
          2. Just tonight I have published a new book called 'Jessamine Holland'  I've been writing it since about April, I stopped writing for a short while due to lack of motivation but I let it sit for awhile and really thought about it. I'm super excited to announce that I have brought it back and am working on finishing it. I just posted a summary today so you can get an idea of what it is about and more updates are to come about that. I won't be publishing anything for that until I get a large chunk of it written and it's almost there!
          3. Back in July I announced that I unpublished Aesthetic Voices and would maybe bring it back, however, I'm afraid I will not be bringing it back. I really tried to work on it and get it to a point that was doable; however, it got to be a chore so I have put it away. It's not deleted, so I can always go back to it. But I just wanted to let you all know that it won't be coming back anytime soon. My apologies to everyone who enjoyed it!
          4. I will be unpublishing 'Trainrides' for a short while  and that will be done on January 1st. That book has so much potential and I want to make it the absolute best because it's gotten so far, thanks to all of you lovely souls. Thank you for all your support on that.
          Other than that, thank you for all the comments, votes, and reads over the past few months.  --♡allyson


Hey everyone, it's been awhile! Just wanted to give you some quick updates.
          1. You may have noticed I have been inactive the past few months. It was an incredibly busy final term with finals, exams, last minute assignments and tests during the school year, most of my time and energy went towards finishing the school year strong. Once it was over, it got even busier with family occasions, extracurricular activities, and I went to a few different summer camps for a few weeks within June. Now that's it July, I have a little more time than before; however, I have been out of town and will be traveling most of the most of July. I'm not sure when I will be on regularly again, but I just wanted to let you know what has happened and what is happening.
          2. I have temporarily unpublished Aesthetics Voices - clearly it wasn't being written any longer and probably won't be for awhile. I got to a point within the story and now I am stuck. I would love to continue writing it, but it will take a lot of work to make some changes and get in the right mindset for it. I really appreciate all the positive feedback you all gave me on it so far. 
          3. I have a few different projects I am working on at the moment. Most of my time and energy has been going to editing and revising Trainrides and also a new book that is in the works at the moment. I'm hoping to get this new book up in a few months but I want to get a large portion of it written before putting it up on here. As for Trainrides, I'm considering unpublishing it for a short while, while I'm editing on it. More updates will come about that. 
          Other than that, thanks for all the comments, votes, reads over the past few months! Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. (:


@citymanner good to know you're okay and alive!! ♡ hope you're having a great summer as well, and take care. xx