
Aha... well this is new. Um, so I have finally decided after months of just contemplating upon it, I’m going to drop the body swap. It was more of a spur of the moment story than a thoroughly thought out one. I’m going to leave the body swap up so you can read it when ever you want, i might work on other things. I’m not exactly sure. I hope you’re all doing well this quarantine and I hope things get better for us all ❤️❤️❤️


Aha... well this is new. Um, so I have finally decided after months of just contemplating upon it, I’m going to drop the body swap. It was more of a spur of the moment story than a thoroughly thought out one. I’m going to leave the body swap up so you can read it when ever you want, i might work on other things. I’m not exactly sure. I hope you’re all doing well this quarantine and I hope things get better for us all ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for what I’m going to say. I don’t think I’ll be updating the body swap for a while. I’ve been feeling so unmotivated and drained during Quarantine. I want to deliver quality, so I can’t just go around making empty promises. So I most likely won’t be updating the body swap during Quarantine. I might have some days of inspiration, but it’ll most likely be very few. I’m very sorry but I can’t seem to get inspired enough to write. Maybe another time later this year, bye bye. Hope you guys are having a better quarantine than me. ❤️❤️❤️


I feel like I should get this straight, mostly because it’s weighing on my conscious (lol idk if I spelled that correctly.) I don’t want to let you guys down (even though my audience is small) and I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.
          I just want to state that (and you’ve most likely noticed this) I don’t really update the story too often on a regular basis. I wish I did but I always just seem to find something else to do. And I want to let you guys know that when I update the story, the time might be months apart or days. Sometimes I have days of motivation and ideas and others I’m just dead. So my upload schedule won’t be steady, I will most likely have a burst of energy every once and a while and release one or two chapters, and then wait a few more months or weeks.
          Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Stay safe and healthy! ❤️❤️❤️


Happy April Fools Day!!!! I just had a great idea. If I change the name of all of the chapter names to things like chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, and so on. It will save me the time and effort of coming up with a cheesy name for the chapter title. So that’s what I’m gonna do!


I updated the description of the body swap and idk if I like it better than what I had before . . . Then again . . . What I had before was literally just saying it was a body swap and that I might be bad at writing . . . Yeah . . .