Ah! http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff469/ponytale_event/2012_aobabd02.jpg 

Hello I'm Aoba! *smiles* nice to meet you. http://38.media.tumblr.com/95c1548f7a16028e7e4ebf8f96446bee/tumblr_n9dxkksAMM1tsas0no1_500.gif

I do have a allmate named Ren

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/171/b/c/dmmd___aoba_and_ren_by_sleii_no_baka-d545pgp.png *smiles* isn't he cute? I would hate if something happened to him

I work at a junk shop for work but there is three little brats who come into the shop and mess around *sigh* they are troublesome kids. I have a close friend named Koujaku


He's been there by my side since I was younger I did have trouble as a kid cause others would pull my hair and tease me but he came along and helped me *smile* ah! And one more thing about my hair don't EVER touch it I don't like when people try to touch it. I can feel pain in my hair by the slightest touch, oh and I have this power called scrap. I can go into peoples minds I could break them if I wanted to but I don't do that.

Ahhh well that's all the time I have right now oh uh..... I.... Have been fucked many of times *blushes and looks away* so don't ask about that well anyways! Good bye! *smiles and waves* You may talk to me with you want! http://24.media.tumblr.com/94c583c2e339fac8f1c4f89d92f71857/tumblr_mv9je9H4Qf1rp00plo1_500.png
  • In bed fuc- NOTHING
  • JoinedJanuary 3, 2015

Last Message
__Aoba__ __Aoba__ Jan 22, 2015 03:17AM
@HisLadyAndMistress *smiles* Thank you 
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