
hey everyone! my ma is taking us to the movies and were watching Jurassic World so ima update later. See ya guys! C-:


Thanks for adding my stories to your reading list!:) I hope you enjoy them and I appreciate any feedback you might have :)


Thanks for following me! ! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 


@PaigeNight XD well awesome and I'm writting the rest of chapter 2 to my Black Bloods book and I'm gonna post it today


@_Wolves4life I do! And I always follow back my "Flames " <3


@PaigeNight no prob, your cool and like wolves so I followed u 


Hi there! I like FOB as well! I'd really appreciate it if you'd read my stories sometime..thanks!


@Faora2594 Sorry I haven't replied...im grounded so u know how that is but since I'm at my gmas I'll check it out


Thanks for adding my book to your reading list. It means a lot to me :)


thx for adding my book 
          ~Chloe <3


Thanks so much for all the votes and for the follow!


hey everyone! my ma is taking us to the movies and were watching Jurassic World so ima update later. See ya guys! C-:


Everyone! i must give u my outmost sorryness, I forgot to say I was gonna go to LA for a while but my ma ended up makin us stay for the whole month of June and I wasn't able to update since we were busy and the my sister had her b -day party so u know how that is. I will be updating and commenting on everything but once again sorry and I hope u forgive me. *says with puppy eyes*