
Hello everyone! I'm slowly getting back into writing and publishing. I have SO MUCH to catch up on. There's like forty unpublished one shots sitting in my second Naruto oneshot books. I'm still going through quite a lot in my personal life so I'm asking you to bear with me as I go through the changes that are happening right now. 
          	Idk when I'll be able to but hopefully within the next couple of months I'll be able to get on a publishing and updating schedule. 
          	But anyways, just wanted to give an update on what's been going on and that I'm alive and well. If you guys have any requests for the oneshot book, you can dm me after reading the request page and we can go from there! As I said, I already have a lot of unpublished oneshots to catch up on so it'll be a while before I can put any requests into the works 
          	As always, thank you for the support and reading my works, I really appreciate it! I hope you're all doing well! ❤️


@tearsdownmyleg awe, thanks! And thanks for your support, I appreciate it!




          I am a big fan of you from India 
          Please make more fanfiction on itachi uchiha
          Itachi and Y/N smut 
          When they both fight with eachother for first time
          When you are on your period 
          Please make atleast one of them......


Hello everyone! I'm slowly getting back into writing and publishing. I have SO MUCH to catch up on. There's like forty unpublished one shots sitting in my second Naruto oneshot books. I'm still going through quite a lot in my personal life so I'm asking you to bear with me as I go through the changes that are happening right now. 
          Idk when I'll be able to but hopefully within the next couple of months I'll be able to get on a publishing and updating schedule. 
          But anyways, just wanted to give an update on what's been going on and that I'm alive and well. If you guys have any requests for the oneshot book, you can dm me after reading the request page and we can go from there! As I said, I already have a lot of unpublished oneshots to catch up on so it'll be a while before I can put any requests into the works 
          As always, thank you for the support and reading my works, I really appreciate it! I hope you're all doing well! ❤️


@tearsdownmyleg awe, thanks! And thanks for your support, I appreciate it!




First post of the year! ❤️
          I didn't want to have to do this but unfortunately, I'll be putting all of my stories on hold for a while. I have a lot going on in my personal life right now so I'd like to try and focus on some stuff I have sitting in my drafts instead. I have a really good story - at least I think it's good - that I'd like to post. I would absolutely love some feedback! Constructive criticism is very much welcome! ❤️
          Also, I haven't forgotten about the requests that people have made. I just haven't been feeling the motivation lately to write as much.  But I will work on them when I'm back to having a good headspace. I don't like writing very much when I'm in this type of headspace because everything always comes out either really shitty or just plain depressing. 
          Anyways! If you'll give the new one I'm about to publish a look, I'd appreciate it. Thank you as always for all of the love and support you give my writing. I truly appreciate it and it makes me happy to know that my work is so popular! ❤️
          I will be keeping the oneshot request page up and people can make requests until I get to feeling better! I will also be trying to still work on the oneshots I have sitting in my drafts whenever I get the time. Thank you for understanding! ❤️


I just realized I haven't updated in probably at least a month. It's because I've been having writers block. If y'all have some ideas or requests for my second book of Naruto one shots, hmu cause I'm having a horrible time finishing like the 20 oneshots I have sitting in my drafts 


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Hey guyssss!
          Just want to say thank you for getting my Naruto One Shot book to 1K views! Let's fucking gooooo!
          P.S. I've been really busy but I want to update so lmk what you want updated and I'll work on it asap!❤️


this message may be offensive
So, just wanted to post a little update for anyone who actually reads my stories, because I need to vent. 
          So around four months ago, I let my parents and brother move in with me because they got kicked out of their house. At the time, I was under the impression that they were going to be helping with my bills. Well, they didn't. And now that they're gone and my job hasn't been working me as much, I'm broke and can't afford to pay my light bill, my rent which is now almost five hundred dollars or my internet bill. So to be quiet honest, we're probably going to get evicted. I honestly don't what to do anymore. I have a daughter and I really don't want to lose her. So I messaged my mom to see if she could help and she got mad. So I tried calling about a program that would help pay my bills but their office is closed for an entire month. No one else in my family can help out so I'm probably going to end up being homeless for a while because I was too nice and let my family move in with me and after not making them help with bills (because my brother and dad didn't work the whole time they lived here), now that they have a place and barely any bills to pay, my mom can't help me out. I'm so mad right now that I just want to crawl in bed and cry until I fucking die because I can't provide for my family and might lose my daughter.
          So if anyone knows of any other programs other than WorkFirst that could help me with this situation, please let me know. Idk if different states work differently but I'm from NC. 
          I don't normally post about my personal life on here but I just don't know what I can do at this point. TIA for any help anyone can offer.