Hey there :)

Name's Tiff, nice to meet you! Here's somethings about me :P

Things I love:

Fooood. Naps. Wifi ^.^ NETFLIX. Friends. Warm hugs. :DD Emoticons haha. CHRISTMAS weewooo! Teaaaa. Lots and lots of tea! Puppies. Chocolaate. Music, playing and listening :D. Photography, and film :)
Laughing. Being silly :P

Things I do:

Trip over my own feet xD I 'tend to get hurt a lot in embarrassing ways. Hiking and camping and all that sort is my faaaav. Sing really loudly in the shower xD Basketball, volleyball, football, ultimate.. Really I love all sports :) Not saying I'm good at any but I definitely like playing them! Except track.. oh gosh I cannot. xDChoooir is very fun. You should join your school choir! :DD haha. Make random videos. Dancing horribly.

The way I am:

I talk a lot. I can keep you on the phone with me for hours xD Once I talked with my friend for almost 10 xD I can either be really outgoing or awkward. Depends on the environment :P I'm either the one of the most laziest or energetic person you might know haha. I dye my hair a lot. People say I'm short but I think everyone's just abnormally tall mhmh! I'm either super childish or serious. Really no in between with me! heh.

I really love Doctor Who and Harry Potter <3 Recently obsessed with Frozen :D I may start on Sherlock soon ^.^

Come and say hi :)

Xx @Cocoacocoa @Secretlyninja xX
  • InscritJanuary 22, 2012

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_TuffPuppy _TuffPuppy Mar 31, 2013 03:40AM
-_- thx for calling my back 
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Histoire par _TuffPuppy
Dreaming For Clues par _TuffPuppy
Dreaming For Clues
Lucy Waters's Mom when missing eight years ago. Lucy thinks that her mom is dead, well that is what she think...
ranking #381 dans la catégorie sleeping Voir tous les classements
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