
Sunday I will finally get my computer! So I will probably start writing chapters again on Monday so I can get everything I need onto it, since I will be busy on Sunday anyways.


Sorry I've been so busy this week so no updates on either book until next Friday. Maybe even later. I broke my computer and my new one does by come in until December so... Just keep with me guys! But you can reread my books if you want... Have a good week!




@PrincessBabyRach Cool! So what will it be about.


@Colinknight5772 I'm well, trying to write a new book actually.


For your last update~
          Seek help for her. Tell her mom, dad, or someone who can help her. She might get in trouble, but it's all worth it. If she is a true friend, she will see that you did it to help her, not to get her in trouble. Just tell someone who can help her.