
aint no way people still watch dsmp in 2023


Hello precious hooman ᵔᴥᵔ
          I am here after a long time ✋️ again to remind you something! 
          Slow down. Yes slow down . It's needed right now . 
          If things are not happening your way then the universe is sending you signs to not give up but just slow down to reflect on everything you have and who is there for you . 
          You are always finding something to do and somewhere to go but you have the greatest gift in your possession. 
          Give presense to these moments and to yourself. Listen to what your mind ,heart and body needs . It's time to reflect on who is there for you and who is not . Reflect on what matters to you and the thing you are running behind is it worth it ? 
          Sit and think my friend. I know deep self reflection is hard but it's rewarding . 
          I know you can do it . Trust yourself. 
          I know I came after days ~~ 
          Here's a heart ❤️ for an apology . 
          Take care ~~


lifes a vibe rn. likeim not depressed, i dont hate myself, i have good friends, im doing great bro. im just vibing out here


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@IzzyTheKiddy im not that great with advice but for me i just stopped caring tbh. its hard at the start but like you eventually just dont give a shit what anyone else thinks and that makes you feel good yk. like lets be honest here, who actually gives a fuck what you look like or how you dress or how you eat or whatever? no one really. and anyone who does is just a plain fuckin weirdo. hope that helps:)


I love that for you! I don’t wanna be the downer but I wish that was me.


anyone who likes dsmp ffs go read when the sunlight dies on ao3.it is by Marianne_Dashwood and personalized_radio and i love it so much. it is such a great story and it is one of my favourites ever.


@-Gh0stKing- im pretty sure you can use it with out an account, could be wrong tho


Hey YOU . 
          YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. ❤ 
          Believe me . Your every curve , every line is perfect. You don't have to stand on society standards . You have to be just yourself. 
          Make your own standards . Standards such as confidence , beautiful persona . 
          Your every mole , freckle , stretch marks , scars , tattoos , birthmarks , everything is so damn gorgeous . They all just make you more real and are a proof that you have lived . So never be embarrassed to have them . They make you YOU . 
          You define your beauty . That's not a power anyone can have over you . 
          You are worthy. You are enough . You are freaking special.  Know that . 


Hey hooman !!! \(>o<)/
          How are you ??? 
          I hope you are doing great~~ 
          I just wanted to tell you something okie . 
          Listen listen !! 
          The minute you decide you want better for yourself is the minute the entire universe begins to shift in your favor. 
          Your declaration, command , intentions ,visions and prayers will start the creation of your new reality . All you have to do is decide and never look back . 
          And I believe in you. 
          Now go drink water .Meditate. And decide when are you starting !! 
          All the best <3 


@TheIllusioner05 HELLO! I am doing absolutely magnificently right now, thank you very much! tjank you so very much! i will! <33