I've been thinking about making a web comic. 
          	Nothing much, but it's something ice been wanting to do for a while.
          	Should I?


Well then, everyone, it's been a while...?? I've been looking through my account and realized how much of a preteen I was, so I'm going to probably delete the majority of my account and start over! If you wanna talk, DM me and I promise, im not as cringy as I was-- I'm open to talk to anyone, I'm just bored tbh


Hey, I just wanted to say that you are amazing, and that you should never not strive for your bes!!
          Also, because you pressed the wonderful blue button on my profile, you are now entitled to three things!!! *Go you!*
          1. A shout out in the extremely late 7th chapter of my OP fanfic, Hidden in the Shadows.
          2. The right to be now called a gakusei (student). So if you never need help with anything, or just want to chat, PM me!
          3. And last but not least, one of my infamous cyber cookies!! (>^.^)>O Here you go, enjoy!