
I hope everyone is doing good physically and mentally. Remember mental health is just as important as physical so take that day off it’s ok. 
          	Anyways I disappeared again but studying and achieving good grades or at least trying to is a pain in the ass so GOOD LUCK to everyone out there. 


I hope everyone is doing good physically and mentally. Remember mental health is just as important as physical so take that day off it’s ok. 
          Anyways I disappeared again but studying and achieving good grades or at least trying to is a pain in the ass so GOOD LUCK to everyone out there. 


Sooo Did anyone start watching Shadow and Bone as yet?! That series is sooo amazing only two episodes in . Anyways people does anyone use Omegle or studystream? Im tempted to try them out but me and showing my face is a no no but anyways what is your guys opinion? Would your guys use it or are you using it? 


@_WaterLilly Aww thanks love❤


@_Bella_18_  lol good to know. Well if you’d like you can consider yourself having one new friend. Me. 


@_WaterLilly  Nope I'm the same. I find it extremely hard to talk to new people because I can't carry a conversation...


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


You welcome. Curing Kyle was such an amazing book. I got so into the book I forgot to do that but i will go do that now .  


Two in one day. (Lol) I just want to say on tiktok I had seen this video circulating about the 24 April. If you haven’t seen it basically a group of men have made that day sexual assault day so people are allowed to assault anyone on this day. I do hope you all stay safe and share the message. Lots of love and prayers from me to you all out there .