
Hey guys! I'm starting to feel better now! Thank u sm for understanding why I needed the break, and thank u for the support u guys showed me :) chapters 2 and 3 will be posted later tonight 


@Chaotic_Mouse ^w^ glad you're feeling better


Hey guys! I'm starting to feel better now! Thank u sm for understanding why I needed the break, and thank u for the support u guys showed me :) chapters 2 and 3 will be posted later tonight 


@Chaotic_Mouse ^w^ glad you're feeling better


I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don’t get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people. If you get at least three back, you’re LOVED! Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight, right at (12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you. Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love, send this to 15, if you don’t, You will turn ugly in one year. A friend told me to do this, so pass it on. Tomorrow, two boys/girls will ask me f they can have your number? Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year. This is not fake. Apparently, if you copy and paste this, You will have the best day of your life tomorrow! -have words :>


Hello guys... Sad news, my dog of 11 years passed away tonight. So I won't be able to post any chapters for at least 2 weeks, because it's just too hard for me to. 
          Like I cannot stop crying 


@Chaotic_Mouse im sorry about that.. take all the time u need ! :>


Hey guys so I'm writing a South Park fanfic. It will be my first ever big writing project, so there will most likely be mistakes. Hopefully I will get the prologue and the first 5 chapters posted in a week or 2 if y'all are interested! 


@Chaotic_Mouse n0iCEEEeeeeeeEEe :P ,___,


Hey! Thank you so much for adding "Strongest Hope" to your reading list! I appreciate you so much! ❤ Mags


@magpiequeen444 yep! I'm one chapter 2 at the moment I'm loving it so far!! 