
Hey guys! Haven't been on here in quite a while. Been so busy with life, and I haven't gotten the chance to start writing again. The stories that I have written, just didn't feel like me so I'm changing up how I write and starting new again.


Hey. I really like your profile and your picture is super cute xD I just wanted to let you know that I've recently started writing a lesbian romance and it'd mean a lot to me if you could check it out and give your opinion on it. I need constructive criticism so don't spare me any! Anyway, sorry to bother you and thanks a lot for your attention ❤️ 


@NewViolet oh my god, you're so kind!!!! thank you! I hope you like how the story goes. thanks a lot for the positive feedback and your patience. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.


@NewViolet I actually just started reading it (i'm on the 3rd chapter) and I have to say, I absolutely love it. It's so beautifully written and I love how it's not cliche at all 


Hey guys! Haven't been on here in quite a while. Been so busy with life, and I haven't gotten the chance to start writing again. The stories that I have written, just didn't feel like me so I'm changing up how I write and starting new again.