
Obsessing so hard on Game of Thrones :D


Dyou still have ur eyeliner sword to defeat the evil zombie bitches? xD I still have mine and i intend to fight valiantly so i can win a whole planet of nutella for you ;)) 


@VampireCraze2001 Ah! how brave! :)) LETS FIGHT! *cue war cry* Till death do us apart, my nutella ♥
            and im waiting for my King in nutella print armour ;) ♥♥♥
            omg. i just realised, if random people read this, they would think we are absolute wierdos! xD Which we are ;) 
            i luuurve u sweetheart. enjoy ur trip ♥♥ xxx Stay safe and dnt forget to sing my name whilst dancing in the rain. xx 


I broke mine fighting the fugly zombies!! But I bought a new one, and much better in fact!! Let's fight 'em !!!! XD
            I'm waiting for my Nutella my knight in shiny pink armor ❤️