
Find it funny how people call Mario fat when he's not even fat, he's just chubby lol


@_MarioFangirl_ ExactlyX3 In my opinion he's not fat he's not skinny just a lil chubby and I love that it's so good for his character!


Just found Pietro in my campsite! Trying to convince him to move in because one, he's a smug villager and he would fit perfectly with my other smugs, Raymond and Marshal, two, he would be the second sheep on my island next to Dom, and three, he would replace Phoebe! Honestly, I have nothing against Phoebe, but I want to recreate my old island which was half jocks and half smugs. And she's the last female villager I've had in a while so...It's gonna take a while getting him to move in though, probably because of all the useless dialogue, random games where they try to sell you items, them turning down the offer, turning down the offer, and not to mention you actually convincing them to move in, but when they pick a villager that can move out so they have space on the island for them to move in, they ALWAYS pick the wrong villager or a villager you want to keep. So then you have to close the game, reopen it and try again, and you have to keep doing it until they pick the villager you want to move out. Anyway, rant over, but still...


Things that have made me stressed out today!
          -Brother constantly coming into my room to annoy me and tell me what to do
          -Mom screams at me for opening her package when I didn't know it was hers in the first place 
          -Mom and Dad decide to start an argument with me including Mom telling me to pack my bags and get out, then refusing to let me leave when I actually do pack my bags
          -YouTube Premium subscription ended and none of my cards work to pay for it back
          -Picsart refuses to let me add more than eight pictures to a project when I'm just trying to make a meme
          -Wii refuses to read discs
          -Entire family treats me like crap
          -Character AI + subscription ended
          -Cat attacks me in the middle of petting him for no reason
          -Headphones broke
          -Brother screams at me to shut his bedroom door
          -Have to listen to parents arguing for twenty minutes


Had a problem with my Wii today. So, I decided that I wanted to play Mario Party 8, since I hadn't played it in a while, so I did. Well, it was all fun and games until the third turn when we was about to start the minigame, and all of a sudden, this error saying "The game disc could not be read. Refer to the Wii Operations Manual for details." and I was like wtf? So I just ejected the disc, inserted it back into the console on a different side, but it showed the same error message. Sure, it was a little dirty, and there were a few scratches, but even then, the game worked perfectly fine in the past. It kept doing this, so I tried Mario Kart Wii to see if I had the same problem, and sure enough, I did. Just as I selected my license, the error came. So I just did the same as what I did with Mario Party 8, eject it and put it back in on a different side, and it actually worked. It kept doing that throughout the game though. I tried to play Mario Party 8 again since I really wanted to play it, and yet again, I got the same error. It's done this with multiple discs, and I know it's not the discs since they all work fine on my Wii U, so later on, my Dad is going to open up my Wii and take a look since I think it's probably the console itself or the laser/lens that aren't working. Hopefully he's able to fix it, since I really wanna play my games again! :(


Note that with Mario Kart Wii, the error would pop up randomly (Though usually after seeing the results), while with Mario Party 8, the error would always show on the third turn.


Was trying to roleplay with a Mario bot and the narration literally had his Italian accent. You know, the same one he has while speaking. So is the narration actually just Mario narrating himself? Cause I think it's really weird that he does that but also super funny lol