
this message may be offensive
Hey everyone... I uh got bad news.
          	I might delete my wattpad account.
          	I might make another one but starting off new. Nobidy knows me I won't have friends following and all that until I know them well. And when I actually get a good book out everyone loves/likes.
          	I'll still publish the same book I have on this but will have a different cover and title (maybe).
          	Well its up to u guys... I've just been to down in the dirt/hell to get back up and do stuff. Plus with school, clubs (school shit), practices for volleyball and ukulele. I haven't been able to catch up with my sleep. 
          	I've been avoiding pretty much everyone and been mean.
          	I might delete wattpad/account or just take a long (week maybe) break from wattpad.
          	Who knows but hope you understand. 
          	Hope you all have a good day even if its bad focus on the good even if it lasts for a couple seconds.
          	See yah later. BYE!!!


this message may be offensive
Hey everyone... I uh got bad news.
          I might delete my wattpad account.
          I might make another one but starting off new. Nobidy knows me I won't have friends following and all that until I know them well. And when I actually get a good book out everyone loves/likes.
          I'll still publish the same book I have on this but will have a different cover and title (maybe).
          Well its up to u guys... I've just been to down in the dirt/hell to get back up and do stuff. Plus with school, clubs (school shit), practices for volleyball and ukulele. I haven't been able to catch up with my sleep. 
          I've been avoiding pretty much everyone and been mean.
          I might delete wattpad/account or just take a long (week maybe) break from wattpad.
          Who knows but hope you understand. 
          Hope you all have a good day even if its bad focus on the good even if it lasts for a couple seconds.
          See yah later. BYE!!!


Hey I wanted to ask should I delete all my stories?  I kind a find it useless to have them since I barely update.  Its ur guys choice if u want me to or not. Just comment on this message on a yes or no and talk to u guys later bye.


@fangirl_sometin I think it is your choice if you update or not because if the people dont like your books then why are they reading them.. I dont read your books but i think you should keep them, because if you worked so hard on them then dont delete them.


Thanks @Mayajefferson89. This commemt actually helped me with my bad morning.