i apologize for the lack of activity on this profile.  i do not have any contact with _LMFAO_79 i am simply a fan of their work and i made this profile in hopes of being able to access the work that _LMFAO_79 removed when they shut down their profile.


@LeafarSepol No, I have no contact w/ her


@loversbait do you know how to


@LMFAO_79 Dear  LMFAO_79,  first off, I would like to say that I'm sorry about any negative emotion/words you have felt in the past several months. As an author that has faced plagiarism before (albeit not on this sight) I understand the anger and hurt of something you worked extremely hard on being passed of by someone else as their own creative work. But, I feel the need to defend the fans of your work.  The reason I would think someone tried to re- upload your stories was most likely because it was widely assumed by your followers that you had been kicked off of wattpad for some (assumedly) homophobic reports of your writing. That caused a bit of anger and hurt, and people who where trying things (such as Twitter ) were doing it because they felt you had been wronged. As it was not publicly announced that you had left for personal reasons, to my knowledge at least, they thought they were defending someone who had been wronged. And the way you have reacted is not completely in understandable, but I do think with these facts the actions of your followers are more excusable. Please, do not think this is a fans way of trying to get you back on the sight. Think of it more as a fans way of trying to mend some hurt feelings. I know personally I was a tad offended by the wording of the above message, making it seem like the people, whom I truly think were trying to defend, not offend, are entirely responsible for the fact we won't know the ending to, or re-read our favorite works. I completely respect you, as a person who simply had enough. I by no means to wish you return somewhere you felt you no longer had a place.  Once again, I apologize for everything that's happened, I hope I haven't offended you. May you find joy and happiness in all future endeavors.  Please excuse the awkward wording of my response, and if it truly offended you, I will remove it. This is the first I heard of this 'fan page' but I still felt the need to explain from an observers perspective.


i apologize for the lack of activity on this profile.  i do not have any contact with _LMFAO_79 i am simply a fan of their work and i made this profile in hopes of being able to access the work that _LMFAO_79 removed when they shut down their profile.


@LeafarSepol No, I have no contact w/ her


@loversbait do you know how to