
People I have found one of the nicest people I've ever met online please go give them support they don't really write much but still they're so nice @LittleBugB0y


@KaraBrunner I'm probably reading this wrong but, pog! Nice people are, well, nice! I'm happy that you've found such a person :}


Thank you for voting on my story so much!!! <3 by the way I love your hermit theme!!!


@Iam_Introverted Np, it's a really good book and I'm enjoying it so far keep up the good work, and thank you I love kermit and have way too many kermit pictures so I thought I would use some here.


People I have found one of the nicest people I've ever met online please go give them support they don't really write much but still they're so nice @LittleBugB0y


@KaraBrunner I'm probably reading this wrong but, pog! Nice people are, well, nice! I'm happy that you've found such a person :}