
Hii, good morning babies. It's been awhile since I've opened this account or posted updates on my books, I was really busy with personal life and school. I'm hoping that there's still someone reading my books, love you babiesss!! I'm signing in again. 
          	I'll continue updating the Rival, I hope you'll give it as much support as my other books!


Hii, good morning babies. It's been awhile since I've opened this account or posted updates on my books, I was really busy with personal life and school. I'm hoping that there's still someone reading my books, love you babiesss!! I'm signing in again. 
          I'll continue updating the Rival, I hope you'll give it as much support as my other books!


HIII BABIESSS!! So, I’ve been thinking and decided that PMD will be edited and will have a new chapters, there are things to fix so it will be gone for a while. I promise that it will come back great and alive, I love you babies!! 


Hey guys, how’s everything? I’ve been checking on account and I guess PMD is the most popular in my list anyways…. 
          Are you ready for the tension between them? The mystery that swallows you into the depths of their thorn filled embrace. Who was it? Really? Find out yourself, the first 5 Chapters of Rival is finally here! 
              Enjoy reading. 