
Chapter 2 of Into The Light will be available to read tomorrow at 10AM GMT +2. Enjoy lovelies!!!!


Heyy, I'm so glad you're back in the writing scene 


@Crazy_dinosour no worries, exams are a killer 


@Crazy_dinosour  wifi is  crap so yeah  sorry for a 17 hour late reply sob


@Crazy_dinosour alright, I can't complain...your side?


So I'm working on a book but I'm changing how i work so ill be mainly working on the draft and i think only about half way through the book draft will i start posting chapters (which will have their final edits etc) so that i don't just start and not continue


alright let's do this give me a month to plot out a book which means next month on the 20th I should have a book plot set and ready to go for me to start writing. then every Saturday I will post at least 1 chapter if I don't you can hold me accountable because I did say I would lets see how this goes...