
Quit being oversensative. You act as if your the victim ALL THE TIME. Guess what? This is life.  You cant block out anything. This come around. I revoked your scholarship from the red sox essay yesterday. They believed every word i told them. 


@IbsaelPolanco If you unblocked me on instagram, you would realize that that message was a joke. SECOND OF ALL, you said i didnt have the guts to commit scuicide and when i asked if you wanted to bet on that you started to get all hurt. "Can you leave me alone ibsael" You cant block someone entirely. Welcome to the internet.


I'm not sensitive  ur just disrespectful. U think that I will fall for that they literally just emailed me about the Red Sox event that we are having next week. thats so dumb that u would actually think I'd believe that. I only block u because ur insensitive to everything in my life and idk y I've never done anything to u to make u want to hate me.  Oh btw I can block out everything because we don't go to the Same school anymore and I don't have to see u everyday so have a nice life in Georgia and just leave me alone.