
Hey guys! I will not be using this acount anymore! i will be using an account called FawnJewels so check me out there and my stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


          My origin: Whipple
          My fairy form: enchantix, a violet short dress with mini white and pink cupcakes, those shoe type a things that the Winx wear with their enchantix but just white, purple and blue wings, a cupcake- shaped fairy dust bottle and my hair is loose
          Attacks: Sweet Tooth, Sugar Rush, Frosting Swirl
          Favourite colour: purple 


Here is my answer to your question in My Winx Season 1:
          My name would be: 
          My powers would be: desserts!
          My looks would be: I would have my natural brown curly hair, green eyes, Floras skin colour,
          I wear a light purple mini skirt with pink and blue cupcakes on it, a white shirt with a soft pink cropped vest, coral blue ankle boots with a grey band on the top and silver hoop earrings 
          My origin: 
          My fairy form: enchantix